female repro




mammary carcinoma

• Incidence increases, but results of mammograhy did not prove

• Association: PCDD/F (policlorinated dibenzo-dioxines and dibenzo-furanes), PCB-s, solvents

• Association: CYP polymorphisms

• Association: therapeautical estrogenes (hormone-replacement), DES

• Association: total internal estrogen load

• Association: DDE/DDT and other esztrogen-like chlorinated chemicals

Proof: early life stages are critical












endocrine-based infertility

(2nd Departement of Gynaecology and Obstretics,

Semmelweis University, Medical School, Budapest)


1970's frequency: 2.7-2.9%

2010's frequency: 12-15%(!)





normal hormone


chemical structure of estradiol (estrogen)

17b-estradiol (E2)


60x more active than E2

bioligically degrades (metabolized)

no metabolic degradation